How to Find Financial Assistance for People With Cancer

How to Find Financial Assistance for People With Cancer

Raising funds for cancer treatment is a rather difficult task, especially in cases of pediatric oncology when there is very little time. People often look for answers to such questions on the Internet.

In this article, we will tell you about the most popular ways to raise funds for treatment: resorting to the help of social networks, charitable donations, and other ways to get cash quickly. Treatment of cancer significantly affects the patient’s financial condition.

The list of patient expenses includes not only the cost of specific procedures or surgeries but also doctor visits, diagnostic tests, hospital stays and outpatient care, the total cost of which can reach thousands of dollars.

The patient may cover some expenses from his own savings, but there are many cases when the patient’s own financial resources are not enough and fundraising is required for the surgery or medication. Systemic financial support is required. One of the forms of such support is health insurance, but unfortunately, it does not work in some cases.

Contacting a charitable fundraising program for cancer surgery and treatment abroad is a great way to help a patient cover their medical expenses. Charitable donations are a simple and effective way to raise funds for treatment.

This is a difficult time for friends and family who try to provide maximum support to a loved one when they are sick, but sometimes loved ones may not even know how to help. Contacting a charitable fundraiser for treatment is one of the easiest ways to provide support and help a patient pay part or all of his/her medical expenses. The Internet is a fairly effective fundraising tool. But there are also other methods.

6 fundraising ideas for cancer that work

  • Take out a payday loan. Borrowing money from microfinance institutions turns out to be beneficial for the client since it allows you to solve your health problems as quickly as possible. Loan amounts usually do not exceed $1,000 and are issued for 5-30 days. Such loans are popular because they are easy to access and repay. The process involves no collateral and paperwork. You can even apply online without going anywhere. Eligibility criteria have differences across the USA. For example, to get accepted for payday loans Bristol, TN, you should be at least 18 years old, have a government-issued ID and a steady income. If approved, you should expect to have the funds in your bank account the same day. To get basic information about payday lending in your city, you use popular online resources like The portal can also be used to apply for a loan online, assess lenders’ ratings and read borrowers’ reviews. The funds can be spent on whatever needs, including cancer treatment;
  • Contact users of social networks. Here you can tell your story and ask to repost. One option is to reach out to people you know in person. Join communities and fundraising groups and post your ad on your wall;
  • Ask for help from famous people or bloggers. To persuade people to help, you need to talk about what happened and press on pity. Please note that you need to choose an individual “key” for such people;
  • Look for ads like “I will give money for treatment.” You should not completely sweep aside such options, but be careful. Often they hide the services of providing loans on unprofitable terms;
  • Contact the media. If your story is interesting and can attract a viewer (listener, reader), contact the media. If you are lucky, you will be able to collect the required amount quickly;
  • Apply to charities. Contact special organizations and write that you need money for treatment, present the necessary documents and wait for the response. If you’re lucky, the charity fund will provide the required amount;
  • Use other options – contact the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, MPs or private entrepreneurs.

Remember, you are not alone. Someone else is already sick and probably wrote about it in detail on the Internet. Look for information, look for support, for sure there is a website, forum or association of people who have already encountered this terrible problem. But don’t trust what is written on the internet blindly. Best of all, of course, if there is an association – they unite patients, their relatives and doctors, where you can get good advice or real help.