Lesson 1- Video Production Basics

Video Production BasicsThere are Four Main Points in Video Production

– Development

Development is the point in which you start designing the idea for the projection. This contains but is not constricted to designing an maquette, and a photoplay.

As a rule, a film or TV production would have an outline, a pitch, and a treatment before it is made into a script.

  • Outline: An outline is almost exactly what it sounds like. It is a detailed step-by-step instruction preview or outline of the film’s script. It is usually made short, to a few pages.
  • Treatment: A treatment is a short explnation of the film. Usually it is one page long. It resembles as if you do a book report on the film.
  • Pitch: A pitch is a short description and explanation of the film, directed to attract more interest and attetion of investors and producers. It can also be utilized for promotional material.

The Script or Screenplay consists of the dialogue and instructions for the production. When you compose a script, you have a desire to add descriptions of characters, dialogue between characters, character actions, and scene descriptions. Nevetherless, you do not wish to mix camera direction unless you get to know you will be the person running the film. Someone who composes the script is known as a Screenwriter. The procedure of composing a script is Screenwriting. If you have any interest to screenwriting I have added a link on script formatting and a link to example scripts.

– Preproduction

Preproduction is the point where you start preparing the production script. It mainly presupposes planning. This contains but is not constricted to; storyboarding, assembling a crew, props, costumes, and budgeting.

  • Storyboard: A storyboard is an pictorialized scene by scene changing pictures of the production. It is usually composed by Concept Artists.

Production– Production

Production is the point which most of people are prone to believe being the most exciting. This is where the film or video is desinged and filmed. At this stage, everyone among the crew should recognize how each scene should be looked like and what the basic look of the film or video will appear at the end of working. Each Crew member has a specific job.

  • Director: the director is responsible of arranging the entire production and the ultimate vision of the piece.
  • Producer: The producer is as a rule responsible of the arrangement production aspects and making all of the crew members be to the right place at the right time.
  • Director of Photography: The director of photographer is also called the cinematographer or the DP. The DP is the head cameraman, he will often have demand in assistants.
  • Gaffer the gaffer is responsible of the lighting.
  • Art Director: The art director is responsoble of the artistic choices in the film, inclusively of props and backgrounds.

– Post-Production

Post-Production is the point where the raw footage that was filmed during post production is then transformed into a final film. This contains but is not constricted to logging the film, redacting the film, special effects, and soundtrack.

  • Logging: Logging the film supposes making the raw footage and arranging it in a manner that is easy for you to run.
  • Redacting: Redacting the film supposes observing each of the takes, and making up a decision of good and bad things and in what order to put them in. Editors have one of the largest influences on a film’s final look.
  • Special Effects: Special effects can be made in both production and in post-production points. Special Effects in production consist of in-camera tricks, certain types of animation, puppetry, etc. Special effects are in post-production as a rule connected with compositing, computer animation, and motion work.
  • Soundtrack: The soundtrack is another extremely fundamental moment of video production. The soundtrack contains the music, sound effects, and dialogue of the film or video.

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